Source code for pyGPGO.surrogates.tStudentProcess

import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from numpy.linalg import slogdet
from scipy.linalg import inv
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import gamma

[docs]def logpdf(x, df, mu, Sigma): """ Marginal log-likelihood of a Student-t Process Parameters ---------- x: array-like Point to be evaluated df: float Degrees of freedom (>2.0) mu: array-like Mean of the process. Sigma: array-like Covariance matrix of the process. Returns ------- logp: float log-likelihood """ d = len(x) x = np.atleast_2d(x) xm = x - mu V = df * Sigma V_inv = np.linalg.inv(V) _, logdet = slogdet(np.pi * V) logz = -gamma(df / 2.0 + d / 2.0) + gamma(df / 2.0) + 0.5 * logdet logp = -0.5 * (df + d) * np.log(1 + np.sum(, V_inv) * xm, axis=1)) logp = logp - logz return logp[0]
[docs]class tStudentProcess:
[docs] def __init__(self, covfunc, nu=3.0, optimize=False): """ t-Student Process regressor class. This class DOES NOT support gradients in ML estimation yet. Parameters ---------- covfunc: instance from a class of covfunc module An instance from a class from the `covfunc` module. nu: float (>2.0) Degrees of freedom Attributes ---------- covfunc: object Internal covariance function. nu: float Degrees of freedom. optimize: bool Whether to optimize covariance function hyperparameters. """ self.covfunc = covfunc = nu self.optimize = optimize
[docs] def getcovparams(self): """ Returns current covariance function hyperparameters Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing covariance function hyperparameters """ d = {} for param in self.covfunc.parameters: d[param] = self.covfunc.__dict__[param] return d
[docs] def _lmlik(self, param_vector, param_key): """ Returns marginal negative log-likelihood for given covariance hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- param_vector: list List of values corresponding to hyperparameters to query. param_key: list List of hyperparameter strings corresponding to `param_vector`. Returns ------- float Negative log-marginal likelihood for chosen hyperparameters. """ k_param = OrderedDict() for k, v in zip(param_key, param_vector): k_param[k] = v self.covfunc = self.covfunc.__class__(**k_param, bounds=self.covfunc.bounds) # This fixes recursion original_opt = self.optimize self.optimize = False, self.y) self.optimize = original_opt return (- self.logp)
[docs] def optHyp(self, param_key, param_bounds, n_trials=5): """ Optimizes the negative marginal log-likelihood for given hyperparameters and bounds. This is an empirical Bayes approach (or Type II maximum-likelihood). Parameters ---------- param_key: list List of hyperparameters to optimize. param_bounds: list List containing tuples defining bounds for each hyperparameter to optimize over. """ xs = [[1, 1, 1]] fs = [self._lmlik(xs[0], param_key)] for trial in range(n_trials): x0 = [] for param, bound in zip(param_key, param_bounds): x0.append(np.random.uniform(bound[0], bound[1], 1)[0]) res = minimize(self._lmlik, x0=x0, args=(param_key), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=param_bounds) xs.append(res.x) fs.append( argmin = np.argmin(fs) opt_param = xs[argmin] k_param = OrderedDict() for k, x in zip(param_key, opt_param): k_param[k] = x self.covfunc = self.covfunc.__class__(**k_param, bounds=self.covfunc.bounds)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits a t-Student Process regressor Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples, nfeatures) Training instances to fit the GP. y: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples,) Corresponding continuous target values to `X`. """ self.X = X self.y = y self.n1 = X.shape[0] if self.optimize: self.optHyp(param_key=self.covfunc.parameters, param_bounds=self.covfunc.bounds) self.K11 = self.covfunc.K(self.X, self.X) self.beta1 =, inv(self.K11)), self.y) self.logp = logpdf(self.y,, mu=np.zeros(self.n1), Sigma=self.K11)
[docs] def predict(self, Xstar, return_std=False): """ Returns mean and covariances for the posterior t-Student process. Parameters ---------- Xstar: np.ndarray, shape=((nsamples, nfeatures)) Testing instances to predict. return_std: bool Whether to return the standard deviation of the posterior process. Otherwise, it returns the whole covariance matrix of the posterior process. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mean of the posterior process for testing instances. np.ndarray Covariance of the posterior process for testing instances. """ Xstar = np.atleast_2d(Xstar) self.K21 = self.covfunc.K(Xstar, self.X) self.K22 = self.covfunc.K(Xstar, Xstar) self.K12 = self.covfunc.K(self.X, Xstar) self.K22_tilde = self.K22 -, inv(self.K11)), self.K12) phi2 =, inv(self.K11)), self.y) cov = ( + self.beta1 - 2) / ( + self.n1 - 2) * self.K22_tilde if return_std: return phi2, np.diag(cov) return phi2, cov
[docs] def update(self, xnew, ynew): """ Updates the internal model with `xnew` and `ynew` instances. Parameters ---------- xnew: np.ndarray, shape=((m, nfeatures)) New training instances to update the model with. ynew: np.ndarray, shape=((m,)) New training targets to update the model with. """ y = np.concatenate((self.y, ynew), axis=0) X = np.concatenate((self.X, xnew), axis=0), y)